Email Me abbyformatting@gmail.com
Who doesn't love the beautiful interior of a book?
Nobody, that's who.
The interior formatting can be basic or fancy, and none is better than the other. It's just a preference.
Whether it is an ebook or a paperback, good formatting is important to make the manuscript easier on the eye. It would turn reading the story into a fun experience. Isn't that the entire purpose of reading, anyway?
Abby is here to help you perfect the pages of your book.
-From Word doc to Mobi file: $20 (basic formatting)
-From Word doc to Mobi File: $30 (fancy formatting)*
(*Up to 25 chapters, $1 for each additional chapter)
- Basic Formatting: $30
- Formatting & Header images: $60*
(*Up to 25 chapters, $2 for each extra)